Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

Document Details

Title City of Ann Arbor to apply for Google Fiber

City of Ann Arbor press release.

ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Feb. 19, 2010 –The City of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan are partnering to evaluate Google's Request for Information (RFI) to build ultra-high speed broadband networks in communities across America. The RFI deadline is March 26, 2010.<br /> City and UM staff, together with other key stakeholders, are currently working to complete a public engagement plan to garner citizen interest and feedback and demonstrate to Google the reasons why Ann Arbor is the perfect trial community. More details will be distributed in the coming weeks. For more information about the Google Fiber for Communities, visit

Source Organization City of Ann Arbor
Request Tracking Number  
Date Requested 2010-02-19
Date Received 2010-02-19
Date Uploaded 2010-02-22
Submitter Name Edward Vielmetti

Download AA-UM_Google_RFI_2010-02-19.pdf