Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

Document Details

Title a2fiber FOIA appeal extension, City of Ann Arbor

Roger Fraser, the Ann Arbor city administrator, issues an extension for an appeal of the rejection of a FOIA request for a copy of the a2fiber RFI that the city sent to Google.

The extension references MCL 15.240(2)(d), which allows a single mandatory extension of 10 days to the normal 10 day appeal time in the case of "unusual circumstances". The letter refers to the unusual circumstance of the evacuation of Ann Arbor City Hall due to elevated carbon monoxide levels on April 14 and April 15, 2010.

Source Organization City of Ann Arbor
Request Tracking Number  
Date Requested 2010-04-09
Date Received 2010-04-20
Date Uploaded 2010-04-22
Submitter Name Edward Vielmetti

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