Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

Document Details

Title Bedbugs in Ann Arbor public housing, FOIA 11-068

The City of Ann Arbor provided these records of efforts and expenses associated with control of bedbugs in public housing managed by the Ann Arbor Housing Commission.

Source Organization City of Ann Arbor
Request Tracking Number  
Date Requested 2011-02-14
Date Received 2011-02-23
Date Uploaded 2011-03-10
Submitter Name Edward Vielmetti

Download Response_Ltr_-_Vielmetti_11-068.pdf

Download Bedbug_Treatment_Tracking.pdf

Download Bedbug_-_AAHC_Board_Minutes_Oct_2010.pdf

Download Bedbug_-_Public_Commentary_Follow-Up.pdf