Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

Document Details

Title DDA and DACAC documents by way of Ann Arbor City Council resolution

On December 19, 2016, the Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution making available the following documents for the benefit of the Downtown Area Citizens Advisory Council (CAC). A FOIA was sent in to the city and fulfilled by the DDA for these records.

(1) the DDA Act, with the sections highlighted pertaining to the CAC's function, the required elements of the TIF Plan and the required elements of the Development Plan; (2) current Ann Arbor DDA TIF Plan; (3) current Ann Arbor DDA Development Plan; (4) 1982 TIF/Development Plan;

Source Organization Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority
Request Tracking Number 20161219
Date Requested 2016-12-19
Date Received 2016-12-27
Date Uploaded 2016-12-28
Submitter Name Edward Vielmetti

Download FOIA - Vielmetti 121916 DDA Plans and Statute -ATTACHMENTS.pdf