Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

Document Details

Title Winter Sidewalk Maintenance memo in response to Council Resolution 21-0421

A memo from then Assistant City Administrator John Fournier to City Council dated November 19, 2021.

In this memo I provide an analysis of the feasibility of creating a winter sidewalk maintenance program in the City of Ann Arbor in response to Council Resolution 21-0421. The resolution asks the City Administrator to provide advice on the following issues: • Review, assess the feasibility, and propose cost estimates and strategies for a municipal sidewalk snow removal program; • Review the City’s snow removal policies and strategies and recommend adjustments to our operational model to address identified deficiencies that would make the pedestrian transportation network safe and consistently accessible to all users during the winter.

Original at

Provided courtesy of CM Dharma Akmon

Source Organization City of Ann Arbor
Request Tracking Number Council Resolution 21-0421
Date Requested 2021-11-19
Date Received 2025-02-11
Date Uploaded 2025-02-12
Submitter Name Edward Vielmetti

Download 211119_WinterSidewalk_Memo_CityCouncil.pdf