Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

Document Details

Title FOIA Response - Failed 2002 Brockman Traffic Calming Project

FOIA Request:

Petition signatures and any other written communication with residents regarding a traffic calming petition for Brockman between Packard and East Stadium, as shown on the city's Traffic Calming Map (

Please note that I am NOT referring to the recent (December, 2024) petition that only covers the stretch between Packard and Ferdon, but a previous petition that was apparently disqualified due to insufficient resident support.

Source Organization City of Ann Arbor
Request Tracking Number 3150
Date Requested 2025-02-04
Date Received 2025-03-05
Date Uploaded 2025-03-06
Submitter Name Adam Goodman

Download FOIA 3150 Redacted.pdf