Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

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Title Description Uploaded On Source Organization Submitter Name
Argo Dam RFP Add any relevant details about... 2010-10-22 City of Ann Arbor Ryan J. Stanton
Stadium bridges TIGER II federal grant letters of support U.S. Congressman John Dingell ... 2010-10-18 City of Ann Arbor Ryan J. Stanton
Ann Arbor Chronicle Lawsuit Add any relevant details about... 2010-10-05 Ann Arbor Chronicle David Cahill
Second FOIA and emails regarding cost and format Kathy Griswold submitted a sec... 2010-08-24 City of Ann Arbor Kathy Griswold
Communication from Gobind Singh regarding their underground vault along Fourth Avenue City of Ann Arbor 10-0433 V... 2010-07-02 Ann Arbor City Council Edward Vielmetti
Sidewalk repair, Summit St, FOIA response A request for records concerni... 2010-07-01 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
Schedule for dam safety inspections, Barton and Superior Hydro Projects, May 2010 Addressed to Superintendant Su... 2010-06-01 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Edward Vielmetti
1983 Stormwater Management Plan for Allen Creek This 1983 stormwater managemen... 2010-05-17 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
2010 Ann Arbor Housing Commission Report Operational Needs Assessment R... 2010-05-12 Ann Arbor Housing Commission Matt Hampel
DDA - Statement from Jennifer Hall This is the statement that DDA... 2010-05-11 Downtown Development Authority David Cahill
Argo Dam Settlement Agreement This agreement between the Cit... 2010-05-05 City of Ann Arbor David Cahill
Email Lawsuit Settlement Agreement This is the settlement agreeme... 2010-05-05 City of Ann Arbor David Cahill
Memo Proposing City - DDA Agreement This memo was written by the "... 2010-05-04 DDA and City of Ann Arbor David Cahill
Ann Arbor City Charter as of November 2009 A copy of the Ann Arbor City C... 2010-04-22 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
City of Ann Arbor and Pall Life Sciences 2006 settlement agreement This Release of Claims and Set... 2010-04-22 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
a2fiber FOIA appeal extension, City of Ann Arbor Roger Fraser, the Ann Arbor ci... 2010-04-22 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
Plymouth Road Water Main Replacement, bid ITB-4011 drawings This bid document describes fu... 2010-04-13 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
Council email about Argo Dam Resolution In October 2009, Council Membe... 2010-04-07 City of Ann Arbor Jack Eaton
The Moravian documents for council consideration Developer Jeff Helminski submi... 2010-04-04 City of Ann Arbor Ryan J. Stanton
FOIA Appeal (10-030 Vielmetti) - Historic District Commission minutes The City of Ann Arbor granted ... 2010-03-18 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti

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