Ann Arbor Area Civic Document Repository

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FERC letter to Ann Arbor re Barton Hydro Project Run of the River Operation The Federal Energy Regulatory ... 2009-08-27 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Russ Miller
Standard Street Index, City of Ann Arbor, August 2009 This map shows a complete list... 2009-08-25 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
Downtown Development Authority’s Proposed Changes to A2D2, August 12 2009 At its meeting of July 6, 2009... 2009-08-24 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
Master statements for City purchasing cards, June 2008 - Jan 2009 I filed a request for the mast... 2009-08-24 City of Ann Arbor Matt Hampel
TRUCKMAP 4-30-2008 This is the official City of A... 2009-08-23 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
A2D2 Design Guidelines Community Open House flyer One page flyer announcing a me... 2009-08-22 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
April 28, 2009 Huron River and Impoundment Management Plan Huron River and Impoundment Ma... 2009-08-22 City of Ann Arbor Judy McGovern
Revised Downtown Plan May 2009 The Downtown Plan has been rev... 2009-08-21 City of Ann Arbor Jack Eaton
DRAFT August 29, 2008 Ann Arbor Downtown Plan This document is labelled "DRA... 2009-08-20 City of Ann Arbor Edward Vielmetti
1997 City Income Tax Study In 1997, the UM School of Publ... 2009-08-19 City of Ann Arbor The Ann Arbor Chronicle
Fiscal Year 2006 Trial Balances Balances for the City of Ann A... 2009-08-19 City of Ann Arbor Matt Hampel
RFP for Library Lot This is the RFP for the Librar... 2009-08-19 City of Ann Arbor The Ann Arbor Chronicle
1997 City Income Tax Study Study commissioned in 1997 by ... 2009-08-19 City of Ann Arbor The Ann Arbor Chronicle
Ann Arbor Administrator Employment Contracts This file includes the employm... 2009-08-19 City of Ann Arbor Jack Eaton
May 5, 2009 Ann Arbor DDA board packet This DDA board packet provides... 2009-08-19 Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority Edward Vielmetti
Stadium Bridge Replacement Drawings Asked at the Aug. 17, 2009 cou... 2009-08-18 City of Ann Arbor Dave Askins
MEPA suit filed against the City of Ann Arbor This lawsuit was filed against... 2009-08-13 Washtenaw County Circuit Court Matt Hampel

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